In Vedic astrology associations the planets form or variations of how they are placed in the chart are referred to as Yogas. Yoga means union, or that which joins or yokes. Most yogas are composed of more than one planet. The idea behind most yogas is to equate the planet's strength in a chart, and how and when it will produce its effects in the person's life. This is generally determined through the dashas of the planets. If a planet is involved in many good, strength producing yogas it will give it's beneficial results at the time the person enters the dasha of that planet. There are auspicious yogas for wealth, success, and happiness as well as inauspicious yogas for downfall, poverty and ill health. The yogas outlined here are the most basic yogas, there are hundreds of yogas to be memorized. But it is more important to understand the concept behind these names.

There are three major yogas based on house rulership. They are Raja Yoga, Dhana Yoga, and Arista Yoga.

Raja Yoga
The first mentioned here is a Raja Yoga. Raja Yoga means "royal union", it is formed by the association of planets and the houses they rule. Raja Yoga is formed by a planet of a kendra house together with a planet of a triconal house. The kendra houses (1,4,7,10) are the houses of manifestation and the triconal houses (1,5,9) are the houses of purpose or dharma. The first house serves as both. When planets are combined with both action and purpose great things manifest.

Yoga Karaka
A Yoga karaka is when one single planet forms Raja Yoga by itself. It rules two different houses, one is a triconal and one is a kendra. The first house can serve as either in the combination. In both Taurus and Libra ascendants Saturn is the Yoga Karaka. In Taurus ascendant Saturn rules the 9th (trinal) house, and the 10th (kendra) house. For Libra ascendants Saturn rules both the 4th(kendra) and the 5th (trinal). Other ascendants that have a Yoga Karaka are Capricorn and Aquarius. They both have Venus as the Yoga Karaka. With Capricorn Ascendant Venus rules the5th and the 10th. Aquarius ascendant Venus rules the 4th and 9th. For Cancer and Leo ascendants Mars is the Yoga Karaka. Cancer ascendant will have Mars rule the 5th and the 10th. Leo ascendants will have Mars rule the 4th and the 9th. No other ascendants will have a single planet rule both a kendra and a trine. These are the only ascendants to have a Yoga Karaka. A Yoga Karaka planet will be a planet that brings great benefit to the chart, even though it may be a natural malefic planet.

Yoga Karakas
Taurus: Saturn / Libra: Saturn
Capricorn: Venus/ Aquarius: Venus
Cancer: Mars/ Leo: Mars

Dhana Yoga
The second major yoga defined by house rulership is Dhana Yoga. This yoga brings material wealth and money, because it links the money houses 1, 2, 11 5, 9. The combination of any one of these houses combined with the 1st house ruler would bring wealth to the individual. Actually any combination of these houses would create Dhana Yoga, but the 1st house combination is the strongest.

Arista Yoga
The third major yoga formed by house rulership is the Arista Yoga. This is the yoga of suffering and spirituality. Usually the suffering is from illness. The combination of the rulers of the most difficult houses (trik or dusthana) (6,8,12) are combined, but again when these houses are combined with the ruler of the 1st this brings the suffering to the individual. Again as in the Dhana Yoga, any combination of these house rulers would constitute Arista Yoga. Generally it is through our suffering that spirituality is sought. Therefore this yoga will produce both suffering and spiritual opportunities.
A planetary combination of two or more planets can form all three of these yogas, indicating the joy and pain combined in one's life. For example if the combination of 2 planets create an Arista Yoga and a Dhana Yoga. The planets rule 2 houses (except the Sun and Moon) each, so you would be merging 4 houses together. Therefore 2 planets can be both a Raja Yoga, and a Arista Yoga.

Parivartana Yoga
Another way in which planets can be connected is through parivartana yoga. This is called mutual reception in western astrology. The planets receive connection through being in each other's sign of rulership. For example: Mars in Cancer, and Moon in Scorpio, Mars is in the sign ruled by Cancer, and the Moon is in the sign ruled by Mars. Their rulerships exchange signs.
A special note if you have a planet that is in aspect, and in parivartana then you have 2 planets in a Sambandha, this means they are completely connected. This makes these planets connect and operate together. They work in unison.
When entering a dasha of a planet involved in parivartana yoga it would simultaneously activate the other planet through this connection. An example of sambandha is the Sun in Aquarius and Saturn in Leo. The Sun and Saturn mutually aspect each other plus they are in each other's sign of rulership.

Pancha Mahapurusha Yogas
These are called the five Yogas of great people. Pancha means "five", Maha means "great" and purusha means "man". The Mahapurusha Yoga is a planet (excluding the Sun and Moon) in it's own sign or exalted in a kendra (angle). When a planet is a Mahapurusha Yoga will indicate an extremely strong planet barring it's stamp of representations of that planetary energy, it will be accentuated in the individual's life.
Mercury- Bhadra Yoga Intelligent, good communicator, witty, sharp
Venus- Malavya Yoga Beauty, charming, graceful, artistic
Mars- Ruchaka Yoga Aggressive, forceful, warrior, athletic
Jupiter- Hamsa Yoga Philosophical, teacher, spiritual, egotistical
Saturn - Shasha Yoga Leader, organizer, authoritative, disciplined

Papa Kartari Yoga
Kartari means "scissors", and papa means "sin". This is also called "hemmed in". It is when malefic planets surround a house and the planets within that house. There must be a malefic in both the house before, and after (surrounding) the house hemmed in. The malefic planets are Saturn, Mars, Rahu, and Ketu and Sun. Example: Saturn in the 12th house and Mars in the 2nd house, the 1st house is hemmed in by malefics, constituting papa katari yoga for the 1st house. Interpretation: The 1st house would be robbed of protection. The matters the 1st house rules would be harmed. The 1st house rules physical health, and the body. Here the body is harmed.

Shubha Kartari Yoga
Shubha means auspicious. Here the benefic planets surround a house. The benefic planets are Jupiter, Venus, and Mercury. The benefic planets give protection and grace to the house they surround. Example: Venus in the 1st house and Jupiter in the 3rd house, the 2nd house is hemmed in by benefics. Interpretation: The 2nd house and the matters it rules will be blessed with empowerment. The 2nd house rules money matters, and childhood, therefore these matters prove prosperous, and good for the individual.

Moon's Special Yogas (Chandra)
The Moon as well as most planets does not like to be alone. The Moon thrives on support from other planets. The Moon rules the mind and the emotional body. The joy of life comes from the sharing of experiences and ideas. This is how the Moon works. It needs to share, and feel supported. If it is not connected to any planets it will feel alienated, and disconnected with the world. The mind will be disturbed.
These Yogas are always counted from the Moon, not the Ascendant. Making the Moon the 1st house.

Sunapha Yoga
Any planet excluding the Sun, Rahu and Ketu in the house second from the Moon creates Sunapha Yoga. This indicates acquisition, and the planet itself will describe the manner in which things will be acquired. For example, Mars in the 2nd house from the Moon, is Sunapha Yoga indicating an aggressive manner in acquiring money, or possessions. This Yoga is about receiving.

Anapha Yoga
Any planet excluding the Sun, Rahu or Ketu in the house 12th from the Moon creates Anapha Yoga. This yoga deals with giving. The 12th house is about giving, and expenditures. This is about generosity. For example, Jupiter 12th house from the Moon is someone who is very generous.
It is noted that the planets Sun, Rahu and Ketu do not constitute either a Sunapha or Anapha Yoga. As a matter of fact, if they are with other planets 2nd or 12th from the Moon they will drastically weaken or cancel these yogas. This is because when the Sun is close to the Moon, the Moon is weak or dark. There is little awareness or consciousness. The Moon emits little light. Some believe the Moon becomes malefic when dark. The full Moon is considered very auspicious because it reflects more light indicating more awareness. The nodes of the Moon (Rahu and Ketu) when situated close to the Moon will definitely change the Moon's effects. The receptive qualities of the Moon are disrupted. Rahu will indicate addictive, obsessive destructive qualities. Ketu will indicate internalized emotions controlled by our past lives, current external factors are less influential. Rahu and Ketu will distort the qualities of the planets they conjoin.

This when you have both the Sunapha, and the Anapha Yogas. Planets on both sides surround the Moon. This totally supports the Moon, this person is happy and feels supported in life. They will receive as well as give back to the world.

Adhi Yoga
Adhi means "first", indicating these individuals will be pioneers or the first to do something. This is when the 3 benefics Jupiter, Venus, and Mercury are in houses 6th, 7th or 8th from the Moon. These planets can be in any combination in these houses. These planets are in the opposing houses or opposition from the Moon. Examples: Jupiter in the 6th house from the Moon, and Venus and Mercury in the 8th from the Moon, or all the 3 are in one of these houses, or Venus in the 8th, Mercury in the 7th and Jupiter in the 6th houses from the Moon.
Some believe each benefic must be alone in each of these houses (6,7,8). I think they can be in any combination in three of these houses because the Moon is still shining its reflective energy on these planets across the horizon. Likewise the benefics are mutually opposing and influencing the Moon.
Interpretation: It is good for leadership, authority and financial prosperity. They are pioneers who are first to do something. There is strong interest and attraction in marriage and relationships since the 7th and 8th houses are involved here.

Vasumati Yoga
Vasumati means "rich", indicating the acquisition of wealth, from the fruits of their labor. It represents the drive to improve life's circumstances. This is when the 3 benefics occupy the upachaya houses (3, 6, 10, 11) from the Moon. Again it can be any combination. Example: Venus is in the 11th from the Moon, Jupiter is 6th from the Moon, and Mercury is 3rd from the Moon is

Vasumati Yoga.
Interpretation: This yoga gives wealth, and life becomes very prosperous improving with age.
Any benefics in upachaya houses will produce the effect of wealth, only in varying degrees. Two benefics will be good and one will be moderately good.
Some look at the benefics in upachaya houses from the Ascendant as well as the Moon. From the Moon it is definitely more powerful since the Moon represents growth.

Shakata Yoga
This is when Jupiter is in the 6th, 8th, or 12th house from the Moon. Shakata means "cart", or wheel. The fortunes of this person will rise and fall. It means fluctuating fortunes. If there is either the Adhi or Vasumati Yogas, then the Shakata Yoga is cancelled.

Geja Kesari Yoga
This means the Elephant-Lion Yoga. These are animals with great presence, and rule the jungle, and so it is with those with this Yoga.
Geja Kesari Yoga is when Jupiter is in a kendra (1, 4, 7, 10) from the Moon. This Yoga gives wealth, intelligence, and virtues.

Chandra Mangala Yoga
Chandra Mangala Yoga is when Mars is conjunct, or opposed the Moon. This gives great financial prosperity, and great business sense. In a man's chart it can bring gain through women.

Amala Yoga
Amala means "stainless". A benefic in the 10th house from the Moon or the ascendant is Amala Yoga. It means that the person is virtuous and pious actions in worldly affairs. The 10th placement of planets from each other is a powerful placement that confers success.

Kemadruma Yoga
This Yoga exits when the Moon has no connection to any planets excluding the Sun, Rahu and Ketu. This means it has none of the previous Yogas or any other aspects or associations. Here is a person who feels isolated, alienated, with no support. This is a person with a dark mind, lacking intelligence, feeling completely disconnected. It is extremely rare.

Sun's Yogas (Surya)
These yogas are similar to the Moon's Sunapha and Anapha yogas in that they involve planets being placed in houses either before (2nd) or after (12th) the Sun. These planets are considered morning stars (rising before the Sun, 12th) or evening stars (rising after the Sun, 2nd). This empowers these planets for greater success. The indications for these planets will strongly influence the person's character and personality. They influence the will and power of a person. Any other yogas these planets participate in is strengthened. They do not directly influence the dashas instead only the general power and personality throughout life. If the planets are in combustion (too close) with the Sun these Yogas will not be valid.

Vosi Yoga
A planet, not including Moon, Rahu or Ketu in the 12th house from the Sun creates Vosi Yoga. This planet becomes the morning star indicating the nature of this planet will give the initial impression an individual will make. Since this planet rises before the Sun the person initiates experiences according to what the planetary energy represents. For example Venus is in the 12th house from the Sun (morning star) the person will be more spontaneous and initiate relationships by giving off a charming beautiful appearance.

Vesi Yoga
A planet not including Moon, Rahu and Ketu in the second house from the Sun creates Vesi Yoga. Because this planet is an evening star the effects or traits of this planet are not as noticeable. They will more reserved and conservative concerning the matters the planet rules. In this case Venus 2nd from the Sun (evening star) this person would be more careful and deliberate in matters concerning love. Additionally planets 2nd from the Sun seem to be attributes we possess but need to learn how to use.

Ubhayachari Yoga
Planets excluding the Moon, Rahu and Ketu surrounding the Sun in the 2nd and 12th house from the Sun form Ubhayachari Yoga, or having both Vosi and Vesi Yogas. This yoga simply empowers these planets that surround the Sun. It is like the king is supported. This yoga gives prominence, power and wealth.
When the planets that surround the Sun are benefics it is far more beneficial whereas malefics give effects in a more stressful manner.

Budhaditya Yoga
When the Sun and Mercury are in the same sign is Budhaditya Yoga. This is a very common yoga since Mercury can never be more than on sign away from the Sun. The sign and house the yoga occurs in will be important and will indicate skills in these areas. If Mercury is combust the Sun it will be a bit harder to realize these skills or talents.
But if Mercury and the Sun are less than a half of degree of each other it will give a brilliant genius mind. This is actually an Arabian astronomical term called "Cazimi". Some may think any planet this close to the Sun to be terribly ruined by combustion, but I have found it will make the planet brilliant in effects and areas the planet rules. This applies to any planet not only Mercury.

Amara Yoga
Amara means "imperishable". This yoga is formed when all the malefics excluding Rahu and Ketu are in the kendras. This is the real estate yoga, giving wealth through ownership of land and real estate (fixed assets). Both Mars and Saturn are indicators of real estate, property and land. The benefics in the angles will denote wealth in moveable assets, like money or possessions.

Lakshmi Yoga
There are many yogas named after the Gods and Goddesses named for manifesting that which the they represent.
Lakshmi is the goddess of fortune bestowing opulent wealth and material riches. Therefore this yoga is known to confer wealth, riches and prosperity in life.
The requirements for Lakshmi yoga basically needs the 9th and 1st house ruler strong but when Venus is in it's own sign of rulership or exalted it really accentuates this yoga. Venus rules extreme wealth and fixed assets. There are different versions for this yoga, one with Venus and one without Venus included. I believe Venus is crucial to the extremes this yoga creates.
Lakshmi yoga is when the ruler of the 9th is exalted or in it's sign of rulership in a triconal or kendra house and the ruler of the 1st is house strong, but additionally if Venus is in it's own sign or exalted.

Saraswati Yoga
Saraswati is the goddess of learning. This yoga denotes intelligence, and talents with music, speaking and writing.
The requirements for this yoga are the three benefics (Mercury, Venus and Jupiter) in kendras, triconals or the 2nd house and all three are strong.

Vipareeta Raja Yoga
Viparita means 'inverted, contrary, reversed'. Vipareeta Raja Yoga is formed when the planet ruling a dusthana (6,8,12) house is placed in another dusthana house. This yoga tends to cause an unexpected rise in life due to an unfortunate event or problem.

Kala Sarpa Yoga
Kala means "time" and Sarpa means "serpent", alluding to a fated destiny. This yoga is formed when all the planets (excluding the outer planets) are on one side of Rahu and Ketu. Many astrologers contend that this yoga gives a fated life of misery. It will denote a life that seems fated by events, but this is not necessarily bad. Kala Sarpa Yoga will intensify all the other yogas in a chart, good or bad giving the life a sense of destiny.

Neecha Bhanga
A debilitated planet is in its most weakened state, these are merely ways the planet is strengthened therefore lessening the effects of the debilitated planet. A weak planet will cause problems pertaining to indications for that planet, also the dasha cycles of that planet can produce problems. Neecha means debilitated and bhanga means reversal. Here are the main ways in which debility can be modified, or cancelled. This may not be considered a yoga per say, but it is very important to consider in chart interpretation.
If the ruler of the sign occupied by the debilitated planet is in a kendra position from the Moon or the Lagna.
If the ruler of the sign where the debilitated planet is exalted is in a kendra position from the Moon or Lagna.
If the ruler of the sign occupied by the debilitated planet aspects the planet.
If the planet who would be exalted in the sign occupied by the debilitated planet is in a kendra from the Moon or the Lagna.
If the debilitated planet is exalted in the Navamsha.
The dispositor of the debilitated planet gives greater relief to the debilitated planet when the dispositor is well placed.

Neecha Bhanga Raja Yoga
Raja yoga is only when the debilitated planet occupies a kendra, otherwise it's debility is merely removed.

Planets   BACK
SUN (Surya)
The Sun is the life force of our planet. It is the soul and spirit of a chart. It can be an overpowering influence in a chart. If it is too close to other planets it can burn up the planets capability to function properly. This condition is called combustion of the Sun.
The Sun works best in the tenth house. It will give a sense of power and career opportunity placed here. In other houses it can be a bit too much causing problems, as in the seventh house it can give a dominating partner and cause marital discord. In the fifth house it can limit children, although a male child is dominate. It can burn the head in the first house causing baldness. The Sun in the third can give courage but trouble with siblings. The Sun in the sixth house will give the capacity to win over any adversaries.
Mythology: Surya was married to Sanja sometimes referred to as Twashtri the daughter of the celestial architect Vishwakarma. His radiance was too much for her to bear, so she had her father cut his radiance down. Sanja could finally see others so she went to visit her parents and placed her shadow Chhaya in her place to look after her husband. The Sun became infatuated with Chhaya. This upset Sanja so she fled disguised in a form of a mare. Upon realizing his mistake the Sun turned himself into a horse and followed Sanja and when they reunited produced the Ashwins the two celestial doctors. This myth can refer to the martial discord the Sun in the seventh house can cause.
Key Words: Atma-Self, masculine, day, future, soul, physical body and health, heart, life force, courage, pride, ego, vitality, will power, stamina, sense of self, power, fame, glory, inspiration, creativity, leadership, Father, teachers, authority, law and order, bosses, political leader, Kings or Presidents.
Medical Astrology: Heart, blindness, baldness, right eye.
Day: Sunday
Dig Bala: Tenth House

MOON (Chandra)

The Moon is the reflective influence. The Sun sends out its radiance and the Moon reflects it back. It is receptive, therefore represents the reflective mind giving consciousness. The Moon represents the nurturing, protecting influence that a mother provides. It is the Yin or female influence while the Sun is the Yang or the male influence. In a chart the Moon likes the support of other planets. The Moon does better when surrounded by other planets. The exception to this is the Sun, and Saturn. If the Moon is too close to the Sun we have a dark Moon and the perception can be darkened. If the Moon is close to Saturn there is depression. Also when Mercury is too close to the Moon the mind can be overly active. The Moon with Jupiter brings happiness and spiritual knowledge. Jupiter/ Moon contacts are the best (Gajakeshari Yoga). The Moon and the Sun are troubled when near the Nodes of the Moon; Rahu/Ketu. The lunar nodes cause eclipses. This shadow cast on them brings out fears and obsessions. Rahu with the Moon can cause obsessive, addictive behavior. Ketu with the Moon can cause fear, or an odd mother. Ketu with the Sun gives insecurities.
Mythology: The myth of the Moon explains the waxing and waning cycle of the Moon. Daksha Prajapati the progenitor gave twenty-seven of his sixty daughters to the Moon-Soma. These twenty-seven daughters became the twenty-seven nakshatras the Moon visits every night. Soma began to favor and spend more time with one of the daughters Rohini. The other daughters became jealous and told Daksha. He became enraged and cast a spell on Soma that he would be childless and dies of consumption. The wives felt sorry for Soma and begged Daksha to lift the spell. Since the spell could never be taken away he lessened it by stipulating that the Moon would regain his strength (light) after he lost his light.
Keywords: The mind, reflective, feminine, night, emotions, sensitivity, nurturing, security, past, past-lives, patterns of behavior, receptivity, caring for others, heredity, Mother, the public or masses, popularity, inner contentment, home, water, habits, subconscious mind.
Medical Astrology: Breast, stomach, watery disturbances, edema, phlegm, left eye.
Day: Monday
Dig Bala: Fourth House
MERCURY (Bhudha)
Generally Mercury has to do with all forms of communication. This means speech, writing and publications. It rules the intellect. Mercury was the messenger of the gods. He could travel to the underworld where humans could not go. The underworld is symbolic of the hidden secrets of this world. Mercury can give creative abilities with the hands. Mercury rules learning and education. It is wit and a sense of humor. In Greek mythology Hermes (Mercury) was a trickster and a thief. Mercury is fast and relates to short quick travels. It rules youthfulness and agelessness. He is the perpetual Peter Pan. Mercury is androgynous like a child before puberty. In both Greek and Indian Mythology there is reference to androgyny. Mercury is very impressionable and will take on the qualities of planets aspecting it. Mercury with Saturn will give a serious, disciplined mind, and Mercury with Jupiter gives an optimistic, expansive outlook on life. Mercury with Ketu can give profound perception and with Rahu can cause obsessive thoughts. The Moon is not friendly to Mercury and can give an over active mind. Since the Moon rules memory, Mercury with the Moon can give a great memory, but dwells on the past.
Mythology: In both the Greek and Indian myths Mercury was the illegitimate son. In Indian myth Mercury was the son of Soma and Tara. Soma abducted Tara from her husband Jupiter, and Mercury was the result. He was so charming later on that Jupiter adopted him as his own. In Greek myth he was the result of Jupiter's affair with a nymph (Maia). He later told lies and tricked his half brother Apollo, who was the golden child of Jupiter and Hera (Juno). The implication here lies in deceit, and tricks. This refers to the tricks and delusions our mind can play on us. In relation to androgyny in Indian myth Mercury's wife Ila became a man every other month. In Greek myth Mercury's affair with Venus (Aphrodite) produced a Hermaphrodite, a child with both sexes.
Keywords: Communications, speech, writing, commerce, sales, education, ideas, thoughts, school, analytical mind, rational mind, cognitive intelligence, sense of humor, youth, trickster, truth, telephones, television, computers, travel especially short distances, childhood, aunts and uncles, neighbors, adaptability, twins.
Medical Astrology: Lungs, hands, arms, nervous system
Day: Wednesday
Dig Bala: First House

VENUS (Sukra)
Venus is the principle of attraction and therefore rules relationships. Relationships result in procreation. Venus is the creative energy and passion. This not only relates to children but also all forms of the creative arts. It rules the senses, which relates to pleasures of the physical body. This means taste, music, touch, luxuries and aesthetic beauty. Venus refers to a person's wealth, and comforts in life. Lakshmi yoga in a chart refers to riches and wealth. To have Lakshmi yoga one of the requirements is Venus in it's own sign of rulership. Since Venus is physical attraction when it is with Mars it creates a strong sexual attraction. Venus with Rahu can magnify creativity and attraction with Ketu it will be more of an ascetic. Venus with Saturn gives unsupportive relationships. Venus and Jupiter are archenemies being the leaders of opposing planetary camps. Venus is the Asuras and Jupiter is the Devas. The house they are in together will give contradictions due to their opposing forces.
Mythology: In Indian mythology Shiva became sexually aroused by the sight of Mohini Rupa (attractive seductive form), this seductive vision was created to make Shiva's semen flow downward to begin the human creation. Shukra means semen. In Greek mythology Venus (Aphrodite) rose out of the sea foam that emerged after Saturn (Cronus) castrated his father Ouranus (Uranus) the sky god. Aphrodite means, "born of the sea foam." Venus in Indian myth was the leader of the Asuras (demons). They possessed the secret of immortality, which releases one from the cycle of incarnations.
Keywords: The feminine spirit, beauty, grace, charm, refinement, luxuries, wealth, sensuality, vanity, charisma, glamour, good taste, sexual attraction, elegance, comforts, arts, music, theatre, love, wife in a males chart, pleasure of the senses, sugar, affections, conveyances, flowers.
Medical Astrology: Reproductive system, bladder, kidneys, and panaceas-diabetes
Day: Friday
Dig Bala: Fourth House

MARS (Mangala)
Mars is the commander in chief. He is the planet of war. Mars rules the blood and circulation of life force in the body. Mars nature is fiery and if provoked will fight. Mars deals with issues of anger. It is the planet of ambition and zest for life. It brings out suppressed energies or inner turmoil. Mars is very impulsive, aggressive and impatient. Mars represents accidents, surgery, wars, and volcanic eruptions. Courage and fearlessness are the positive nature of Mars. Mars is the karaka or indicator for brothers. Saturn aspecting Mars is a very stressful combination. Mars is action and Saturn is restriction. This creates frustration in the house they are placed. Mars with the Sun is very courageous and competitive. Mars with the Moon (Chandra Mangala yoga) gives business success. Mars with Mercury will give power with debates, thus skill as a lawyer. Mars functions best in the upachaya houses, 3,6,10,11.Mythology: In Indian Myth Mars relates to Kartikeya, son of Shiva and Parvati. His brother was Ganesh. The parents told their two sons they would find them wives. The first one to be married would have to achieve a difficult feat, Ganesh unfairly out smarted Kartikeya. Disappointed Kartikeya retreated to the mountains. This symbolizes the difficulty Mars can indicate in relationships. In Greek mythology Mars was the son of Jupiter (Zeus) and Juno (Hera). He was recognized and feared for his war like qualities. Venus (Aphrodite) and Mars had a passionate ongoing affair. Another Indian myth claims. Kartikeya was born out of the sperm from Shiva, who ejaculated over a seductive vision. He was born to slay the demon. Mars here was born of the semen similar to Venus (Aphrodite) in the Greek myth symbolizing the passionate nature of both planets in terms of relationships.
Keywords: Energy, action, passions, male influence, courage, strength, motivations, anger, violence, determination, aggression, injury, accidents, war, military, police, athletic, muscles, blood, sexual vitality, weapons, machines, conflict, can inflict death, fire, selfish, criminal, goal oriented action, self-righteousness, property and real-estate, brothers, enemies, science, guns, knives
Medical Astrology: Blood, head, injuries, accidents, bleeding, headaches, high fevers, inflammation, surgery, burns
Day: Tuesday
Dig Bala: Tenth House


Jupiter is the preceptor and teacher of the gods. He was to teach the path of righteousness and spiritual wisdom. He represents God's grace. It is expansion and growth. Whatever Jupiter aspects will grow big. This can be overweight conditions or a tall stature. Even an expanded organ such as the liver can cause health difficulties. Jupiter deals with the external rituals associated with religion. It is also about judgment and laws pertaining to legal advice and lawyers. Mercury is about lower education whereas Jupiter is about higher education such as college. Mercury is about short quick travels and Jupiter is about long distant travels like overseas trips. Jupiter always brings opportunity for growth and abundance. It is the karaka of wealth, happiness and good luck. Jupiter with Rahu can destroy the spiritual integrity of Jupiter, and with Ketu profound spiritual lessons will be realized. Jupiter with Mars gives a zeal for life, and spiritual teachings. Jupiter/ Sun combinations (not combust) give optimism and happiness. Jupiter is always prominent in death for death is the release of physical bondage.
Mythology: In Indian myth Brihaspati is the deity for Jupiter who teaches the gods (devas) and protects humanity from evil. In Greek myth Jupiter or Zeus was the king of the gods. As the king he had the ultimate authority to give immortality or condemn one to a terrible fate. Both mythologies symbolize the ultimate judge or authority and father figure. In some it can be the over zealous know it all.
Keywords: Spiritual teacher, guide, truth, religion, philosophy, spirituality, grace, law, the great benefic, fortune, wealth, expansion, higher education like colleges, optimism, generous, joy, luck, self-indulgent, excessive, faith, children, money, husband in a females chart, long distance travel.
Medical Astrology: Liver, hips, overweight, edema, high cholesterol, growths such as tumors
Day: Thursday
Dig Bala: First House

SATURN (Shani)
Saturn is the furthest out planet that is visible to the naked eye. It therefore is the slowest and darkest from our perception (outer planets excluded here). Because of this it is perceived as giving darkness and slows things down, retards or delays. It is the final boundary referring to the implication of the planet of death and doom. Saturn rules old age and as one becomes disillusioned with life there is misery and frustration. This is all the function of Saturn to strip away everything of this existence to rid one of all desires and attachments. This is what eventually leads one to higher consciousness, and final liberation from the karmic chains of this world. Saturn's primary function is to lead the soul back to its source, God. Experiences of Saturn are delays, depression, restrictions, setbacks, destruction, disease and death. It can exhibit discipline, stability, and give long lasting results. Restrictive Saturn with expansive Jupiter will bring frustration, for Jupiter will expand and give things whereas Saturn will contract and take things away. These planets are very opposite in there meaning and the result is very confusing and frustrating. Saturn with the Sun will inhibit and lower a person's self-confidence.
Mythology: In Indian Myth Shani is the son of Surya (Sun) and Chhaya his wife's shadow (Sanja). This implies the depressive darkness of Saturn. In Greek myth Saturn was Cronus who was the child of Ouranos (Uranus) the sky god and Gaia (mother earth). Ouranos feared being overthrown by his offspring and Cronus (Saturn) castrated him. Later Cronus (Saturn) was overthrown by one of his own children (Zeus/Jupiter). This symbolizes the overthrowing of old rules or religions. On a simpler note the problems one has with their father and the ways of different generations. This symbolizes the fear of the new to take over and the unwillingness to change.
Keywords: Discipline, order, structure, dependable, stability, separation, solitude, limitation, obstruction, poverty, death, disease, oppression, pessimistic, worry, fear, bad luck, old age, delays, retards things, concentration, paralysis, depression, stunted, deprivation, bondage, arthritis, bones, skin, degenerative diseases, fixed assets, land, property, endurance and lasting, doubt, phobias, darkness, sorrow, longevity, detachment, decay
Medical Astrology: geriatrics, death, bones and teeth, osteoporosis, arthritis, dehydration, premature aging, cancer
Day: Saturday
Dig Bala: Seventh House

RAHU (North Node of Moon)
Rahu has the nature of a serpent. It poisons you to the illusions of this world. It is our desires that keep us incarnating here. Under Rahu things happen, it gives but with a price. Our most intense desires are granted under Rahu only to discover too much of a good thing ends up causing our most intense suffering. It may grant us fame and fortune only to realize we have no freedom to go places without being mauled by fans and our family and friends disown us because of jealousy. The fame and fortune we desired only brings us separation and sorrow. What ultimately happen; is the disillusionment leads to the enlightenment of Ketu who detaches and renounces the world for spiritual enlightenment. The nodes are the most powerful of all the planets for they cause the eclipses of the luminaries, the Sun and Moon. Meaning they block out the light or consciousness. Rahu is the material world, and all the desires it creates. It gives material things, which never give lasting happiness. This is the illusion of Rahu. When these thing start to fall away we become obsessed with trying to hold on to them. Rahu deals with fear, obsessive and compulsive behavior. It is about addictions, poisons, alcohol, and drugs. Any planet with Rahu will be magnified greatly in the chart. Rahu will take on the quality of the planet it is next to (in the same sign). This can be good or bad depending on the planet. Rahu with Venus or Jupiter can bring wealth. Rahu with Saturn can cause suffering to the house they are in.
Mythology: In the Indian myth the Planetary gods were lined up to receive the nectar of immortality when a serpent slipped in between the Sun and the Moon. The Sun and Moon told Lord Vishnu and he hurled a disc at the serpent slicing the serpent in two. But the serpent had already swallowed the nectar of immortality. From there we have the dragon's head Rahu, and the dragon's tail Ketu. This also implies the eclipses of the Sun and Moon by the line up. The head of the dragon symbolizes the trouble our mind and thoughts can create. It is the thinking mind that desires and obsesses over things. The dragon's tail is the perception one has without the confusion of the mind. It is true perception, intuition or that gut feeling.
Keywords: Fame, extremes, foreigners and foreign lands, fulfillment of worldly desires, status, prestige, power, worldly success, outer success with inner turmoil, obsessive, addictions, disease, psychic, disturbances, collective trends, epidemics, disturbances, poisons that destroy and heal, medicine, drugs and alcohol
Medical Astrology: Plagues, epidemics, possessions, manic depression, insanity, addictions, hormonal imbalances, suicide, insomnia, hysteria, neurosis, nervous disorders, cancer
Dig Bala: Tenth House

KETU (South Node of Moon)
Ketu's function is to cause inner turmoil so the soul will seek the true essence of the individual. Where Rahu is the material world Ketu is the spiritual world. It is the headless serpent implying the perception and wisdom that is a gut level knowing of things. This can give psychic or clairvoyance abilities. Ketu can give a feeling of helplessness. Through humiliating experiences one becomes humble. Self- doubt and lack of confidence are part of Ketu's qualities. Ketu is a wanderer without roots. It is a fiery force that can cause accident and injury. But most of all it is the karaka of loss that directs our attention back to the eternal reality. It is the self-realization of our essence with God. Rahu works on the outer material world and Ketu works on the inner spiritual world. Ketu with a planet will have a spiritualizing effect on that planet. If Ketu is with Mars the nature will be to actively seek the spiritual side of life. Ketu will direct the planets energies to look within the essence of that planet. It like Rahu can cause mental instabilities and mass hysteria. It can cause disease and plagues. It is poisons like drugs and alcohol. But both Rahu and Ketu can also be drugs or poisons that heal as well. With Mars the Martian qualities will be withdrawn. Anger will be suppressed, and channeled inwardly. Ketu with the Moon can give psychic abilities.
Keywords: Loss, liberation, perception, wisdom, lack of confidence, negation, self doubt, fantasies, confusion, indecision, illusions, drug addiction and alcoholism, psychic influences, fire, injury, death, spiritual insight
Medical Astrology: Psychic disorders, radiation diseases, cancer, surgery and malpractice
Dig Bala: Twelfth House


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