Effects of Mercury in different Houses
Mercury in 1st House
GOOD:-Jolly, king or like king, selfish, errant, naughty and happy. Wife will be from rich family.
BAD:-If female she may have bad name in young age even she is ruler or from royal family. If eats egg, health will deteriorate. Business of green things will not be beneficial
REMEDIES:-Native Should Avoid Egg, Meat And Green Things.
(1) Keep away from the things of green colour and sisters in law.
(2) Avoid consumption of meet, eggs and liquor.
(3) business that requires your sitting at one place would be more beneficial than the one that requires running around.
Mercury in 2ndHouse
GOOD:-Intelligent, selfish, yogi, rich, long life, confident.
BAD:-Delayed birth of son, not good for father. He will not get his father’s property.
REMEDIES:-He Should Give Things Related To Moon At Place Of Worship Or Should Get His/Her Nose Pinned With Silver.
(1) Abstain from eggs meat and liquor.
(2) Association with your sisters in law is harmful.
(3) Keeping sheep, goat and parrots as pets is strictly prohibited.
Mercury in 3rd House
GOOD:-Native will be helpful to his relatives, Mercury is bad for others but good for him.
BAD:-Delayed child birth, bad for father’s and maternal uncle’s wealth. Moon will also give malefic effects.
REMEDIES:-He Should Donate Things Related To Mercury. He Should Nurse Birds. Clean His Teeth With Alamanq.
(1) Clean your teeth with alum everyday.
(2) Feed birds and donate a goat.
(3) Don't live in a south facing house.
(4) Distribute medicines of asthma.
Mercury in 4th House
GOOD:-Respect females, He will have lot of patience and has the quality of taking burdens of other on his head. Parents may live long, Native will uplift his family in all respect.
BAD:-Native ‘s mother may die within a year after his birth or if mother alive then financial and personal position may suffer a lot. Bad effects on family life of native and wife will also suffer a lot.
REMEDIES:-Native Should Wear Copper Coin Around His Neck. Things Related To Moon Give Beneficial Results.
(1) Putting on silver chain for mental peace and golden chain for gaining wealth and property.
(2) Putting kesar tilak regularly for 43 days on forehead.
(3) Serving monkeys by offering jaggery.
Mercury in 5th House
GOOD:-Intellectual, good for wealth and health. Paternal property will prove good for the native.
BAD:-Mercury gives malefic effects on the tongue.
REMEDIES:-Native Should Wear Copper Made Round Shape Thing Around His Neck.
(1) Wear a copper coin in white thread for obtaining riches.
(2) Serving cows for the happiness of wife and good luck.
(3) A Gomukhi house (narrow at the front and wider at the end) would prove highly auspicious where as Shermukhi house (wider at the front and narrower at the end) would prove highly disastrous.
Mercury in 6th House
GOOD:-Speaks excessive but whatever he speak good or bad it will definitely happen, king of his heart, anonymous, if he keep patience it will be good. The sea journey will be beneficial. Business related to education, agricultural land, printing and paper will be beneficial.
BAD:-Native will be thankless, daughter married in north direction will not be happy. If entrance of new house is in north direction then it will also give bad effect
REMEDIES:-Native Should Leave Container Of Milk At Deserted Place Or Put The Holy Water Under The Agricultural Land.
(1) Burying a bottle filled with Ganga water into the agricultural land.
(2) Putting on a silver ring in the left hand of ones wife.
(3) Starting any important work in the presence of a girl or daughters, or with flowers in hand proves auspicious.
Mercury in 7th House
GOOD:-Native is very good for others, sister of wife will loyal, will be happy in old age, benefit from trading and verbal transactions like share broker. He will fall in love with a beautiful lady and will remain happy.
BAD:-Bad for sister, aunt and for sister-in-law. Wife’s sister may conspirate with the help of his brother to defame his wife. If native lend money on interest, he will not get his money back.
REMEDIES:-Do Not Lend Money On Interest, Respect Females.
(1) Avoid any business in partnership.
(2) Avoid speculation.
(3) Do not keep relationship with sister in law of spoilt character.
Mercury in 8th House
GOOD:-In this house Mercury makes a person genius and healthy otherwise there is no other good effects.
BAD:-In this house mercury gives bad effect on teeth and veins and generally harmful in 34th years of age. Native may be deceived by the girl from royal family.
REMEDIES:-Native Should Donate Things Related To Moon To Relatives And Animals Related To Moon.
(1) Get an earthen pot filled with honey and bury it in the cremation ground or deserted area.
(2) Place milk or rain water in a container on the roof of the house.
(3) Put a ring in the nose of your daughter.
Mercury in 9th House
GOOD:-Long life, religious, big family, He feeds his family, even he himself remains hungry
BAD:-Bad for girl child and also bad for females.
REMEDIES:-Native Should Wear Clothes Washed From River.
(1) Avoid the use of green colour.
(2) Get yours nose pricked.
(3) Offer mushroom filled in an earthen pot to a religious place.
(4) Do not accept any tabeez from any sadhu or faqir.
Mercury in 10th House
GOOD:-Flatterer, faithful, happy, social, rich, diplomat, intellectual, naughty, clever but selfish
BAD:-Bad for females and for father. Mercury gives bad effects if such a person takes liquor or meat or food crazy.
REMEDIES:-Native Should Avoid Liquor, Meat And His Craze For Food.
(1) Consumption of eggs, meat and liquor are strictly prohibited.
(2) Offer rice and milk in religious places.
Mercury in 11th House
GOOD:-Native is able to take out diamond instead of pearl from the shell. He is hardworking and financially not strong upto 34th years of age.
BAD:-Amulet will give bad effects
REMEDIES:-He Should Put A Round Shape Piece Of Copper On His Neck.
(1) Wear copper coin in neck in a white thread or silver chain.
(2) Do not keep a widowed sister or father's sister in your house.
(3) Avoid green colour and emerald.
(4) Do not accept any Tabeez from a sadhu or faqir.
Mercury in 12th House
GOOD:-Famous, respectful and powerful, Sister, aunt and daughter all will be in trouble in their parents house but will be happy in their in-laws house.
BAD:-Always double minded. If start taking liquor he may suffer from leprosy.
REMEDIES:-He Should Put Iron Ring In Middle Fingered.
(1) Throwing new empty pitcher in a river.
(2) Putting on a ring of stainless steel.
(3) Putting kesar tilak on face, head and visiting religious places of worship.
(4) Taking advice of another person before starting any new or important work.
Effects of Venus in different Houses
Venus in 1st House
GOOD:-Benefits from Govt.., He has the ability to sacrifice his life for whom he loves and if he oppose someone then he will dig his roots. Relation with many women.
BAD:-Extra marital relations have bad effects on finance, peace of family life. It is advisable not to live with mother after marriage otherwise mother’s health will be effected.
REMEDIES:-Native Should Restrain Himself In Respect Of Extra Marital Relations. Take Advice From Others If Starting Or Initiating On New Job
(1) Do not marry at the age of 25 years.
(2) Always act accordig to the advice of others.
(3) Serving a black cow.
(4) Avoid sex during day time.
(5) Take bath with curd.
(6) Intake of cow's urine is very useful.
Venus in 2nd House
GOOD:-Native will earn livelihood, money, wealth, children, respect and enjoy both worldly and spiritual life, his wife will be good by heart and the work of clay will be favorable.
BAD:-Childless or delayed birth of child.
REMEDIES:-Native Should Use Things Related To Mars For Child Problem.
(1) For getting a son, intake of things associated with Mars like honey, Saunf or deshi Khand will be highly effective.
(2) Feed two kgs of potatoes coloured by yellow turmeric to cows.
(3) Offer two kgs. cow's ghee in a temple.
(4) Avoid adultery.
Venus in 3rd House
GOOD:-Extra Marital affairs, but to get good effects of Venus he should respect his wife. His wife will be gentle, bold and aggressive. No threat of theft.
BAD:-bad for finance, health and sound sleep.
REMEDIES:-Native Should Respect His Wife And Avoid Extra Marital Affairs.
(1) Respect your wife and never insult her.
(2) Avoid flirting with other women
Venus in 4th House
GOOD:-Native will be rich, childless, may have two wives at a same time. If he marries his first wife twice then second marriage can be avoided.
BAD:-Females will always be the cause of downfall. Relations with mother and wife will not be cordial, may be addictive
REMEDIES:-Red Cloth And Honey Will Give Beneficial Effects In All Respect.
(1) Change the name of your wife and remarry her formally.
(2) Throwing rice, silver and milk in the running water or feeding Kheer or milk to mother like women will ward off the quarrels between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law.
(3) Keep the roof of the house clean and well-maintained for the health of your wife.
(4) Drop things of Jupiter, like gram, pulses and Kesar, in the river.
Venus in 5th House
GOOD:-Native may be scholar, patriot, rich, will lead happy marriage life.
BAD:-Loose character, elder brother may be responsible for downfall, love marriage is not favorable.
REMEDIES:-Native Should Clean His Genitals With Milk Or Curd (Yogurt)
(1) One should not marry against the wishes of his parents.
(2) Serving cows and mother like women.
(3) Avoid relationship will other women.
(4) Native's wife should wash her private parts with curd or milk.
Venus in 6th House
GOOD:-Flatterer, oppose religion, wife of such a person will be evergreen. In case of men they enjoy life in every respect but in case of woman opposite to this.
BAD:-Asthma, short temperament, sudden downfall.
REMEDIES:-Native Should Not Marry The Person Who Is The Only Child Of His Parents. Wife Should Not Walk Bare Foot. Wife Should Use Gold Hair Clip For Her Hairs.
(1) Ensure that your wife puts gold clips in her hair.
(2) Your spouse must not remain barefooted.
(3) The private parts should be washed with red medicine.
Venus in 7th House
GOOD:-Native will be rich, humble. Happy, long life, good for parents. If wife/husband is not beautiful, he/she will be good by heart. All round progress after marriage.
BAD:-Down fall, Loss by theft, T.B., disease related to genitals.
REMEDIES:-Should Afloat Blue Color Flower In Drain For At Least 43 Days. Should Take Blessings Of Old Relatives Or Parents.
(1) Domestication of white cows prohibited.
(2) Serving red cows.
(3) Donate Jawar equal to the weight of your spouse to a temple.
(4) Throwing blue flowers in a dirty canal for 43 days.
Venus in 8th House
GOOD:-Wife/husband will be rough by nature. Earn with hard work, Nobody listen even his truth.
BAD:-Venus will be unfavorable if badly effected by other malefic planets from 11 to 27 and 39 to 43 years of age in all respect.
REMEDIES:-Native Should Afloat Piece Of Copper Or Flower In Drain. Should Visit Place Of Worship Regularly.
(1) The native should not accept daan.
(2) Bowing head in the place of worship and temples.
(3) Copper coin or blue flower to be thrown in gutter or dirty nullah continuously for ten days.
(4) Wash your private parts with curd.
Venus in 9th House
GOOD:- Native will be intelligent, lucky may be millionaire but by hard work.
BAD:-Marriage with ill health man/woman. Finance business will not be favorable.
REMEDIES:-Wife Or Female Should Wear Red Bangles With Silver Lining Under The Bangles.
(1) In the foundation of the house silver and honey should be buried.
(2) Silver bangles to be worn after putting some red colour on them.
(3) Bury a silver piece under a Neem tree for 43 days.
Venus in 10th House
GOOD:-Evergreen, clever, lot of traveling, He/she always dreams of sex or evil dreams.
BAD:-Child birth problem, extra marital affairs bad for peace of children.
REMEDIES:-For Child Birth Problem Man/Woman Should Clear Their Genitals With Curd (Yogurt).
(1) Washing private parts with curd.
(2) Western wall of the house should be of mud.
(3) Abstinence from wine and non vegetarian food.
(4) At the time of illness, the native should donate a black cow.
Venus in 11th House
GOOD:-Mysterious, beautiful, rich, may be impotent, suffers from various disease, keep changing his behavior.
BAD:-Females will cause financial downfall of the family, if not than the number of family members will reduce. Male/female indulge too much in masturbation before or after marriage which may cause the psychological impotency or suffers from V.D
REMEDIES:-Donate Vegetable Oil, Should Take Medicines Made Of Silver, Should Use Fish Oil.
(1) Remedies of Mercury will be useful.
(2) Oil to be given on Saturday.
(3) The native usually suffers from low sperm count in his semen. Native should drink milk in which hot piece of gold has been dipped.
Venus in 12th House
GOOD:-Native’s wife/husband will be very co-operative and of good nature but not of good toung and native will not be able to devote too much time at home. All round happiness.
BAD:-Woman/wife will face all type of problems, ill health, when nobody helps then luck of wife will be helpful.
REMEDIES:- Females Should Dig Blue Flower Or Fruit In Evening At Deserted Place.
(1) Blue flowers to be buried by the wife at the time of sunset, for good health.
(2) The wife will act as a defence wall for the husband, if she gives things in charity to people.
(3) Domesticating and giving cows in charity.
(4) Offer love, respect and honour to your wife.
Effects of Saturn in different Houses
Saturn in1st House
GOOD:-Native will be rich, business of iron, cement, plastic, leather, wood and liquor suits.
BAD:-If such a person have lot of hairs on his body then he may be poor. If celebrates birth of his children, may get court attachment orders.
REMEDIES:-Should Avoid Non-Veg And Liquor.
(1) Abstinence from alcohol and non-vegetarian meals.
(2) Burying Surma in the ground will be beneficial for promotion in service and business.
(3) Serving monkey will lead to prosperity.
(4) Offering sweet milk to the roots of a banyan tree will give good results as regards education and health.
Saturn in 2nd House
GOOD:-Progressive, healthy, love justice, seems fool but very diplomatic, rich.
BAD:-If Saturn and Mars both are bad then illness up to the age of 39
REMEDIES:-He Should Go To Place Of Worship For 43 Days, Bare Footed And Confess Their His Previous Birth Crime. Give Milk To Snake.
(1) Going barefoot to temple for forty three days.
(2) Putting a tilak of curd or milk on the forehead.
(3) Offering milk to snake.
Saturn in 3rd House
GOOD:-Long life, rich, things related to Saturn are beneficial, may become eye specialist.
BAD:-Eye sight problem, may be poor
REMEDIES:-He Should Donate Eye Medicines Free Of Cost. Should Avoid Liquor.
(1) Serve three dogs.
(2) Distributing medicines for eyes free.
(3) Keeping a dark room in the house will prove highly beneficial.
Saturn in 4th House
GOOD:-Love his family and may be a doctor or profession may be related to medical profession
BAD:-If he is in construction line or construct his own house then Saturn becomes unfavorable for mother and maternal uncle. Extra marital relations will give malefic effects
REMEDIES:-Put Milk In A Well, Should Not Drink Milk In Night.
(1) Offering milk to snake and offering milk or rice to crow or buffalo.
(2) Pouring milk in the well.
(3) Pouring rum in running water.
Saturn in 5th House
GOOD:-Such a person will give importance to self respect. If he construct his own house, his children will suffer. He may be a writer
BAD:-Native may be thief, cheater, unfortunate, poor, ill health, child birth problem.
REMEDIES:-He Should Keep Things Related To Sun, Mars And Moon In The Dark Corner Of The House.
(1) Distributing salty things while celebrating son's birthday.
(2) Offering almonds in the temple and bringing and keeping half of it in the house.
Saturn in 6th House
GOOD:-If married after 28th years of age his family will be happy and wealthy but before 28th year will give bad effects in all respect. His elder son’s behavior is not good but will be helpful in his old age.
BAD:-In this house Saturn is not bad except when Native bring things related to Saturn at his home.
REMEDIES:-He Should Afloat Coconut In The River Or Pet A Black Dog.
(1) Serving a black dog and offering meals to it.
(2) Offering coconut and almonds in the running water.
(3) Serving snakes will prove advantageous for the welfare of children.
Saturn in 7th House
GOOD:-Self centered, clever, deceiver. May become rich by his hard work in 36th years of age.
BAD:-Aloof, financially weak, rigid.
REMEDIES:-He Should Fill Sugar In The Flute And Dig It In The Lonely Place Like Jungle . He Should Avoid Liquor And Meat.
(1) Bury a flute filled with sugar in a deserted place.
(2) Serving black cow.
Saturn in 8th House
GOOD:-Long life, financially strong, good vision, selfish.
BAD:-There is no malefic effects in this house if saturn is lone otherwise it gives bad effects on hairs, finance and vision, and may be psychologically weak.
REMEDIES:-Such A Person Should Keep Flat Silver Square Piece With Him.
(1) Keeping a square piece of silver.
(2) Putting milk in water and sitting on a stone or wood while taking bath.
Saturn in 9th House
GOOD:- Strong, majestic, successful, sympathetic, happy family life, if in finance business he will suffer otherwise there will not face any type of problem in any other line of business. Such a person will have at least three houses before his death
BAD:-If such a person have hairs on his forehead or on legs then Saturn gives malefic effects. Such a person will face problems in child birth or may be delayed child birth. Such a person has the tendency of taking revenge himself or will advise his children to take revenge.
REMEDIES:-Things Related To Jupiter Will Give Good Results.
(1) Offering rice or almonds in running water.
(2) Work associated with Jupiter (gold, kesar) and Moon (silver, cloth) will give good results.
Saturn in 10th House
GOOD:-Saturn in this HOUSE always give good results in every field of life.
BAD:-Liquor and construction of house will turn Saturn bad or ineffective, things or work related to Sun and Mars give bad results
REMEDIES:-Such A Person Should Keep Things Related To Mercury And Jupiter.
(1) Going to temple.
(2) Abstinence from meat, wine and eggs.
(3) Offering food to ten blind people.
Saturn in 11th House
GOOD:-Financially strong, religious, benefit from Govt., happy family life, pleasing personality, will get paternal property.
BAD:-Problem in child birth, own house if constructed before 55 years of age will give bad effects in respect of health, if take liquor then notorious
REMEDIES:-Spirit, Oil, Liquor If Spread On Earth Before Rising Of Sun Will Give Good Results.
(1) Before going for an important work place a vessel filled with water and drop oil or wine on earth for forty three days.
(2) Abstinence from drinking and maintaing good moral character.
Saturn in 12th House
GOOD:-Benefit from enemies, financially strong, many houses, Saturn will help in every field.
BAD:-If voracious eater, fond of women, sex indulgent and take liquor then Saturn will give bad effects in every field of life.
REMEDIES:-Do Not Be Voracious Eater Or Fond Of Women Or Sex Indulgent.
(1)Tying twelve almonds in a black cloth and placing it in a iron pot and keeping it in a dark room will give good results.
Effects of Rahu in different Houses
Rahu in 1st House
GOOD:-More he spends more he get. Problems in Govt. service, believe in religion, problems for brother, maternal family.
BAD:-Problems up to 40 years from the things related to Rahu, if in service he may get transfers regularly but will not get promoted.
REMEDIES:-Native Should Not Accept Electronic Items As A Gift At The Time Of Marriage
(1) Offer 400 gm lead in running water .
(2) Wear silver in the neck.
(3) Mix barley in milk in ratio of 1:4 and offer in running
(4) Offer coconut in running water.
Rahu in 2nd House
GOOD:-Native if not a king but he will enjoy the power like king
BAD:-He may face incidents of theft even in day light or may have to go to jail
REMEDIES:-He Should Keep Solid Ball Made Of Silver In His Pocket.
(1) Keep a solid silver ball in the pocket.
(2) Wear things associated with Jupiter, like gold, yellow cloth, saffron etc.
(3) Keep cordial relations with ones mother.
(4) After marriage do not take any electric equipment from in-laws.
Rahu in 3rd House
GOOD:-Native will always be alert and vigilant and fearless by nature
BAD:-Native should keep tusk with him, will cause his downfall. Loans given to brother or relatives will be bad debts
REMEDIES:-Native Should Keep Silver With Him.
(1) Never keep ivory or things of ivory in the house.
Rahu in 4th House
GOOD:-Native may be rich but will spend according to his own wishes. He may get money from in-laws or money/wealth will start increasing from the marriage day
BAD:-Rahu does nothing bad in this house unless the person himself turns his rahu bad.
REMEDIES:-Native Should Put Silver Or Should Make Complete House And Gets It Repaired Or Repair It Completely.
1) Wear silver.
(2) Offer 400 gm coriander or almonds, or both in flowing water.
Rahu in 5th House
GOOD:-In this house Rahu helps in all respects
BAD:-Child problems, problems in education, mental tension.
REMEDIES:-Native Should Marry His Wife Twice. He Should Keep Elephant Made Of Silver In This House.
(1) Keep an elephant made of silver.
(2) Abstain from wine, non-vegetarianism and adultery.
(3) Remarry your wife.
Rahu in 6th House
GOOD:-Such a person spends money for pump and show or on useless things but not on things actually needed.
BAD:-If quarrels with elder brother or sister, his downfall is sure.
REMEDIES:-He Should Pet Black Dog. He Should Keep Black Glass In His Pocket.
(1) Keep a black dog.
(2) Keep a lead nail in your pocket.
(3) Never harm ones brothers/sisters.
Rahu in 7th House
GOOD:-Native is benefited by the Govt. and he will never be in a situation to ask any one for help.
BAD:-He should not marry before 21 years of age. Speculation business will ruin him.
REMEDIES:-He Should Not Wear Blue Color Cloths.
(1) Never marry before 21st year of age.
(2) Offer six coconuts in river.
Rahu in 8th House
GOOD:-Steep up and downs after every 4years
BAD:- If he earns through unfair means, he will loose his own money also.
REMEDIES:- If he earns through unfair means, he will loose his own money also.
(1) Keep a square piece of silver.
(2) While sleeping Saunf should be keep under the pillow.
(3) Do not work in electricity or power department.
Rahu in 9th House
GOOD:- He may be a psychologist and dishonesty may cause his downfall
BAD:-His son will create problems.
REMEDIES:-He Should Not Pet Dog But He Should Feed Dog When Ever Problem Arises.
(1) Use Tilak of saffron daily.
(2) Wear gold.
(3) Always keep a dog (it saves ones progeny).
(4) Have good relations with your in-laws.
Rahu in 10th House
GOOD:-Brave, rich, long life, good for business and for father.
BAD:-Bad for native and for his mother in respect of health, weak eye sight .
REMEDIES:-He Should Distribute Frequently Sweets Or Cotton Cloths (Red Colored).
(1) Use blue or black cap.
(2) Cover ones head.
(3) Offer 4kg. or 400 gms of 'khand' in a temple, or in flowing water.
(4) Feed blind people.
Rahu in 11th House
GOOD:-Native should live with his father for good health, wealth and for family happiness and after death he should put on gold or yellow thread or sapphire.
BAD:-Diseases of ear, genitals, back bone, legs
REMEDIES:-He Should Donate Regularly At Place Of Worship.
(1) Wear iron. Use silver glass for drinking water.
(2) Never take any electric equipment as a gift.
(3) Do not keep blue sapphire, ivory or toys in the shape of an elephant.
Rahu in 12th House
GOOD:-Native enjoys night comfort, his in-laws will be rich.
BAD:-Wasteful expenditure, he will not get reward for his hard work.
REMEDIES:-He Should Take His Meals In His Kitchen.
(1) Take your meals in the kitchen itself.
(2) Keep Saunf and khand under the pillow for good night's sleep.
Effects of Ketu in different Houses
Ketu in 1st House
GOOD:-Business or Service will be satisfactory, success in spiritual field, tense family life.
BAD:-Headache, ill health of wife, tension for child birth or health.
REMEDIES:-He Should Not Give Money To His Son To Buy Toy In The Morning Or Evening.
(1) Feed jaggery (gur) to monkeys.
(2) Apply saffron as Tilak.
(3) If offspring is troubled then donate a black and white blanket to temple.
Ketu in 2nd House
GOOD:-Traveling will be beneficial. He will earn lot but will not be able to save it for future.
BAD:-Steep up and down in family life, children will not be helpful in old age
REMEDIES:-Native Should Put Saffron Mark On His Forehead.
(1) Apply turmeric or saffron as tilak.
(2) One should not be of loose character.
(3) If one religiously visits temples and bows his head there then Ketu in 2nd house would give good results.
Ketu in 3rd House
GOOD:-Benefit from in-laws and from brothers or friends, children will be helpful, God fearing and helpful to others.
BAD:-Bad effects on finance, age, brothers, in-laws.
REMEDIES:-He Should Afloat Things Related To Jupiter In The River.
(1) Use saffron as tilak.
(2) Wear gold.
(3) Offer jaggery, rice in flowing water.
Ketu in 4th House
GOOD:-Native will respect God, Teacher and elders and by doing this he will be happy in his whole life.
BAD:-Ill health, many diseases, bad for mother and children.
REMEDIES:-He Should Pet A Dog. Should Wear Silver For Mental Peace.
(1) Keep a dog.
(2) Wear silver for peace of mind.
(3) Offer yellow things in flowing water.
Ketu in 5th House
GOOD:-Financially sound, no dispute even if he has two wives at the same time in his whole life.
BAD:-Bad effects up to the age of 45 years
REMEDIES:-Donate Things Related To Moon And Mars.
(1) Donate milk and sugar.
(2) The remedies of Jupiter would be useful.
Ketu in 6th House
GOOD:-Such a person is happy, long life, good mother, live comfortable in abroad.
BAD:-Native may have many enemies.
REMEDIES:-Native Should Pet A Dog, He Should Wear A Gold Ring In His Left Hand.
(1) Wear golden ring in the finger of left hand.
(2) Drink milk with saffron and wear gold in the ear.
(3) Heat up a rod of gold and then dip it in milk. Then drink it. It would restore mental peace, increase longevity and is good for sons.
(4) Keep a dog.
Ketu in 7th House
GOOD:-Enemy will fear from such a person. Native will earn a lot up to the age of 24years.
BAD:-Proud, false promises, abusive language will cause trouble or even down fall, tension due to wife or daughter.
REMEDIES:-He Should Not Make False Promises, Abusive Language Etc.
(1) Never make a false promise, be proud, or abusive.
(2) Use saffron as Tilak.
(3) In case of serious trouble use the remedies of Jupiter.
Ketu in 8th House
GOOD:-Whether Ketu is good or bad it is always decided by the 12th house. Such a person has the ability to sense death in advance. He will get son in tha 34th years of age.
BAD:-Ketu bad effects on health and age of wife and children
REMEDIES:-Things related to ketu should be given at religious place.
(1) Keep a dog.
(2) Donate a black and white blanket in any temple.
(3) Worship lord Ganesha.
(4) Wear gold in the ear.
(5) Use saffron as tilak.
Ketu in 9th House
GOOD:- Ketu of this house gives rise but change in profession. Such a person will be trust worthy and brave, wealth of such a person multiplies rapidly.
BAD:-Native may destroy his maternal uncle, Ketu is also not good for male child of Native
REMEDIES:-Native should put gold things on his body.
(1) Keep a dog.
(2) Establish a rectangular piece of gold anywhere in the house.
(3) Wear gold in the ear.
(4) Respect elders, specially father-in-law.
Ketu in 10th House
GOOD:-Native will continuously help his brothers even if they waste the money, native never be insolvent or bankrupt., his wife may be very beautiful and helpful. He may be a famous sports personality.
BAD:-Things related to Ketu will give bad effects till the age of 28 if Saturn is also bad
REMEDIES:-He should dig a silver vessel of any size full of honey at deserted place.
(1) Keep silver pot full of honey in the house.
(2) Keep a dog, specially after forty eight years of age.
(3) Avoid adultery.
(4) Use the remedies of Moon and Jupiter.
Ketu in 11th House
GOOD:-Native will always think of future. He will have enough wealth, may be a coward but potent. He may be administrator or ruler.
BAD:-Bad for mother, wife, male child of the native may be still born.
REMEDIES:-Distribute things related to saturn (specially reddish) at religious place after putting them under the head side of the bed of wife.
(1) Keep black dog.
(2) Wear an onyx or emerald.
Ketu in 12th House
GOOD:-Native will keep on rising but change is not possible in respect of business or service. He will enjoy all luxuries and his son will increase his wealth further
BAD:-If native kills dog, or his is of dubious nature Ketu will give bad results.
REMEDIES:-Native should suck his thumb every day after dipping it in milk.
(1) Worship Lord Ganesha.
(2) Do not have a loose character.
(3) Keep a dog.
(4) Saunf and khand under the pillow for good night's sleep.